On March 3, 1947 Archibald Isaac Ferguson is born. From that single beginning, his life will take four simultaneous and independent fictional paths. Four boys who are the same boy, will go on to lead four parallel and entirely different lives. Fergusons story rushes on across twentieth-century America. A sweeping story of birthright and possibility, of love and the fullness of life itself.
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A contemporary novel which tells the story of Marco Stanley Fogg - orphan, child of the 1960s - spanning three generations. The narrative moves from the early years of this century to the first lunar landings, from Manhattan to the landscape of the American West.
Vivre le meilleur des choses à Brooklyn, être amoureux à soixante ans comme à trente, se marier, retrouver les siens, échapper aux sectes, marcher sous le ciel bleu à 8 heures du matin, s'enflammer pour Henry David Thoreau et Edgar Allan Poe. Etre heureux, encore, mais pour combien de temps en Amérique ?...
The story of Walt, an irrepressible orphan from the Mid-West. Under the tutelage of the mesmerising Master Yehudi, Walt is taken back to the mysterious house on the plains to prepare not only for the ability to fly, but also for the stardom that will accompany it.
Tells a story about love and forgiveness - not only among men and women, but also between fathers and sons.
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Twenty-year-old Adam Walker, an aspiring poet and student at Columbia University meets the enigmatic Frenchman Rudolf Born, and his silent and seductive girlfriend Margot. Before long, Walker finds himself caught in a perverse triangle that leads to a sudden, shocking act of violence that will alter the course of his life.
Includes three cleverly interconnected novels, that contains stories in which the search for clues leads to remarkable coincidences in the universe as the simple act of trailing a man ultimately becomes a startling investigation of what it means to be human.
The New York Trilogy is an astonishing and original book: three cleverly interconnected novels that exploit the elements of standard detective fiction and achieve a new genre that is all the more gripping for its starkness. In each story the search for clues leads to remarkable coincidences in the universe as the simple act of trailing a man ultimately becomes a startling investigation of what it means to be human. Auster's book is modern fiction at its finest: bold, arresting and unputdownable
Un ouvrage écrit par un auteur à succès pour donner envie de lire en VO et ainsi d'entretenir son anglais. Une édition avec des notes de bas de page pour traduire les mots et expressions que le lecteur est susceptible de ne pas connaître, permettant une lecture ininterrompue de l'ouvrage.New York, 18 septembre 1982. Après un long séjour à l'hôpital, l'écrivain Sidney Orr, reprend goût à la vie, bien qu'il soit accablé par l'ampleur de ses dettes et par l'angoisse de la page blanche. Un matin, poussé par le désir d'écrire, il s'aventure dans une nouvelle papeterie tenue par un Chinois nommé Chang et achète un carnet bleu. C'est pour lui le support adéquat pour redémarrer sa passion. Le soir même, il commence à écrire dans ce carnet une histoire captivante... Mais une série d'événements surprenants va ensuite se produire : Pourquoi sa femme s'effondre-t-elle en pleurs dans un taxi quelques heures après ? Pourquoi Monsieur Chang ferme-t-il définitivement sa librairie le lendemain ? Quel lien y a-t-il entre un vieil annuaire de Varsovie datant de 1938 et un roman dans lequel le personnage principal a la capacité de prédire l'avenir ?
Niveau avancéCe 11e roman de Paul Auster se lit comme une histoire de fantômes, même s'il s'agit de personnages en chair et en os qui sont confrontés à la réalité de tous les jours. -
Following the death of his father, Jim Nashe takes to the open road. But there he picks up Pozzi, a hitchhiking gambler, and is drawn into a dangerous game of high-stakes poker with two eccentric and reclusive millionaires.
Un homme se met en route pour un lieu qu'il ne connaît pas. Un autre revient. Un homme arrive dans un lieu sans nom, sans indication pour lui dire où il est. Un autre décide de revenir. Un homme écrit des lettres de nulle part, depuis l'espace blanc qui s'est ouvert dans son esprit. Les lettres n'arrivent pas à destination. Les lettres ne sont jamais envoyées. Un autre part à la recherche du premier. Le second ressemble de plus en plus au premier, jusqu'à être, lui aussi, aspiré par la blancheur. Un troisième se met en route sans espoir d'arriver jamais quelque part. Il erre. Il continue d'errer. Tant qu'il reste au royaume de l'oeil nu, il continue d'errer.
« Quelque chose se passe », peut-on lire dès la première ligne.
Dans le mouvement des espaces et de la voix, comment être le témoin de ce qui se passe ? Que comprenons-nous, du monde sous nos yeux, entre image et réalité. Quels espaces percevonsnous, par delà ceux où nous nous tenons ? On se succède, passagers sans visages, silhouettes sans destination, prises dans les espaces blancs. Il reste nos mots pour peupler notre silence, qui nous habite et nous défait, les mots dans l'espace et leur écho quand tout ce qui passe de gestes et d'hommes a été oublié. Le mystère de ce que l'on cherche à comprendre et de voir en essuyant nos yeux nus.
Willy G Christmas, and Mr Bones embark on an adventure together, heading to Baltimore in search of Willy's beloved mentor Bea Swanson - who used to know him as William Gurevitch, son of Polish war refugees. But is she still alive?
In this novel Paul Auster offers a haunting picture of a devastated world - a futuristic world - but one which may be seen to shadow our own. Auster's other work includes "The New York Trilogy" and "Hand to Mouth", and the screenplays "Smoke" and "Blue in the Face".
Chosen by Paul Auster out of 4000 stories submitted to his radio programme on National Public Radio, these 180 stories provide an illuminating portrait of America in the 20th century. The selection requirement of the stories was that they should be true and not previously published.
In the expert hands of David Mazzuchelli (Batman), Paul Karasik (Raw) and Art Spiegelman (Maus), Auster's spin on the detective story has been given a unique and unexpected new life.
From Paul Auster, author of the forthcoming 4 3 2 1: A novel his debut work of fiction, the first volume in his acclaimed New York Trilogy series of novels Nominated for an Edgar Award for Best Mystery of the Year, City of Glass inaugurates the intriguing New York Trilogy of novels that the Washington Post Book World has classified as "post-existentialist private eye...It's as if Kafka has gotten hooked on the gumshoe game and penned his own ever-spiraling version." As a result of a strange phone call in the middle of the night, Quinn, a writer of detective fiction and crime books, becomes enmeshed in a case more puzzling than any he might have written. New York Times -bestselling author Paul Auster combines dark humor with Hitchcock-like suspense to City of Glass.
Collected Novels ; Tome 2: The Music of Chance. Leviathan. Mr Vertigo
Paul Auster
- Faber Et Faber
- 18 Novembre 2005
- 9780571229048
This is the next instalment in 'The Complete Works of Paul Auster', following 'Collected Prose and Novels', volume one. Volume two comprises the three middle period novels: 'The Music of Chance', which was later made into a film, 'Leviathan and Mr Vertigo'.
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One man's obsession with the mysterious life of a silent film star takes him on a journey into a shadow-world of lies, illusions, and unexpected love. After losing his wife and young sons in a plane crash, Vermont professor David Zimmer spends his waking hours mired in grief. Then, watching television one night, he stumbles upon a lost film by silent comedian Hector Mann, and remembers how to laugh . . .
Mann was a comic genius, in trademark white suit and fluttering black moustache. But one morning in 1929 he walked out of his house and was never heard from again. Zimmer's obsession with Mann drives him to publish a study of his work; whereupon he receives a letter postmarked New Mexico, supposedly written by Mann's wife, and inviting him to visit the great Mann himself. Can Hector Mann be alive? Zimmer cannot decide - until a strange woman appears on his doorstep and makes the decision for him, changing his life forever.
Written with breath-taking urgency and precision, this stunning novel plunges the reader into a universe in which the comic and the tragic, the real and the imagined, the violent and the tender dissolve into one another
' In the beginning, everything was alive. The smallest objects were endowed with beating hearts . . . ' Having recalled his life through the story of his physical self in Winter Journal , internationally best-selling novelist Paul Auster now remembers the experience of his development from within, through the encounters of his interior self with the outer world, as well as through a selection of the revealing letters he sent to his first wife, acclaimed author Lydia Davis. An impressionistic portrait of a writer coming of age, Report from the Interior moves from Auster's baby's-eye view of the man in the moon to his childhood worship of the movie cowboy Buster Crabbe to the composition of his first poem at the age of nine to his dawning awareness of the injustices of American life. Report from the Interior charts Auster's moral, political and intellectual journey as he inches his way toward adulthood through the post-war fifties and into the turbulent 1960s. Paul Auster evokes the sounds, smells, and tactile sensations that marked his early life - and the many images that came at him, including moving images (he adored cartoons, he was in love with films), until, at its unique climax, the book breaks away from prose into pure imagery: the final section of Report from the Interior recapitulates the first three parts, told in an album of pictures. At once a story of the times and the story of the emerging consciousness of a renowned literary artist, this four-part work answers the challenge of autobiography in ways rarely, if ever, seen before.
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Repackaged reissue.